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Geography Values Statement

The academy’s Geography curriculum aims to create knowledgeable, skilled critical thinkers who are socially and environmentally aware about the changing planet that they live on.

Knowledgeable: We aim to create pupils who have a wide-ranging geographical vocabulary which they can use fluently both verbally and in written form. We also aim to create pupils who have knowledge of place and space in order to locate places and explain contrasts between places. These knowledge gains support our agenda to provide pupils with cultural capital.

Skilled: We aim to create pupils who can use distinctly geographical skills in order to process information and understand place. These include OS skills and enquiry skills. The acquisition of these skills promotes independence and resilience which the department sees are valuable and transferable aspects of character.

Critical Thinkers: We encourage pupils to ask questions and evaluate processes and information presented to them. Again, the acquisition of these skills promotes independent thought and resilience.

Social and Environmental Awareness: Throughout the topics taught we aim to provide pupils with the opportunity to reflect on how their choices and actions shape and change the planet. We aim to use these reflection points to highlight how the choices we make can show how we can care for the planet (sustainable actions) and the people who inhabit it (social conscience/humility).

Our Geography curriculum aligns closely with our core values of We care, We Challenge, We Commit.

We are proud that our Geography curriculum supports the Fulwood Values of the Academy.