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Careers Guidance

At Fulwood we are committed to ensuring that our pupils are prepared to take the next steps in the educational journey, whether that be further education or an apprenticeship. 

This is done through our Careers Education, Information Advice and Guidance Curriculum otherwise known as CEAIG. The CEAIG provision aims to meet the gaps be benchmarks which are a national framework containing eight guidelines that defined the best careers provision in schools and colleges. The eight Gatsby benchmarks include: 

  • Stable careers program. 
  • Learning from careers and labour market information. 
  • Addressing the needs of each student. 
  • Linking curriculum learning to careers. 
  • Encounters with employers and employees. 
  • Experience of workplaces. 
  • Encounters with further and higher education. 
  • Personal guidance.  

Careers Education Information, Advice and Guidance Curriculum  

As part of our provision, CEIAG is delivered across Years 7 to 11. The school’s CEIAG lead, Mr Dudley, is responsible for the leadership of CEIAG in school, liaising with a range of outside agencies and local providers including college and universities, local employers, and post 16 providers of technical education, traineeships and apprenticeships.   

The school has bought in the services of an independent career's advisor, who is in school on a regular basis working with our Year 10 and 11 pupils.  We ensure that local further education providers are invited to Year 9, 10 and 11 Parents Evenings and that parents and carers can receive guidance on their child’s next step. In addition to this we ensure careers are part of our SMART drop-down days within school, regularly running sessions for lower school learners.  

Careers also forms part of our Personal Development Programme for all pupils, where pupils are encouraged to think about themselves and the world around them. 

In Year 7 pupils understand the skills and qualities associated with enterprise and employability   

  • Understand the nature of being ‘enterprising’ and improve employability skills.  
  • Identify the different employment categories or sectors  
  • Develop the skills, abilities and qualities that are associated with each sector of jobs  
  • Reinforce expectations of equality of opportunity  
  • Understand what is meant by the term career in its broadest sense   
  • Understand the factors that motivate people to work, including the importance of having goals and aspirations  
  • Relate their current skills, strengths and interests to future career aspirations  

In Year 8 pupils consider rights and responsibilities in the community, including in careers and life choices  

  • Describe the importance of respecting others’ rights in the community and recognise that everyone shares responsibility for ensuring other people’s rights.   
  • Understand the terms age discrimination and disability discrimination and recognise the impact of these behaviours on the people affected  
  • Explain ways to protect people’s rights, including their own.  
  • Explain that we all have the same rights to opportunities in learning and work.   
  • Challenge gender stereotypes, ageism, disability discrimination and/or family/cultural expectations which may limit aspirations.  

In Year 9 pupils conduct a personal review to identify strengths, interests, qualities and ambitions and making the links between these and employability  

  • Reflect objectively as part of the personal review process.   
  • Develop the range of transferable skills required by employers.  
  • Understand there are different types of employment and the varied nature of career pathways.  
  • Recognise their strengths, attributes and interests might link to future choices in their career pathway.   
  • Learn how to evaluate their changing aspirations and whether they are on track to achieve them.  
  • Know the range of options available to them in the next stages of their education.  
  • Develop strategies to manage the decision-making process for GCSE option choices and to know suitable sources of further information, advice and guidance.  
  • Develop skills to manage uncertainty in their future career and in the workforce in general.  

In Year 10 pupils gain an overview of the range of opportunities in work and to set goals for a work experience placement   

  • Identify the range of opportunities that exist in learning and work  
  • Recognise the documentation that is required by the school and/or the employer prior to, during and after work experience.  
  • Describe the expectations an employer will have of them during work experience  
  • Recognise the part they need to play in achieving their outcomes for work experience  
  • Plan changes they intend to make to their personal organisation and presentation prior to, and during, work experience  
  • Demonstrate variation in communication tone and style dependent on the audience, situation and purpose of the communication  
  • Suggest ways to approach difficult situations during work experience, including how to get help whilst on placement.  
  • Reflect on the positive elements of the work experience placement and where they feel improvements can be made  

In Year 11 pupils learn about the application process for post-16 options   

  • Identify the research they need to do into the qualifications or experience necessary for the careers they are interested in  
  • Demonstrate awareness of the timeline for the application process  
  • Identify questions to ask when meeting with local Sixth Form and college representatives  
  • Understand the schools procedures for developing individuals references  
  • Demonstrate understanding of the application process relating to their preferred options (Sixth Form, local college, apprenticeships, in work training etc.)  
  • Write a compelling CV, personal statement and covering letter  

 Year 11 pupils have regular access to assemblies and workshop delivered by post 16 providers and employers. 

Evaluation and monitoring  

  • Our CEIAG programme is reviewed and evaluated throughout the year in order to respond to any statutory changes and to ensure that we offer a broad and balanced careers programme.  
  • We will use evaluation from learners, staff, employers and training providers, parents, carers and governors to measure and assess the impact of our CEIAG provision.  
  • We will also use current destinations data to assess how successfully pupils make the transition to post 16 education and training.  
  • The success of the programme can also be measured by the use of destination data. This measures the impact of the programme by assessing the number of NEETS (ex learners not in education, employment or training) annually.  

CEIAG Policy and Provider Access  

  • We are committed to giving providers access to our learners and are actively seeking employers and employees who may be able to help us meet Gatsby Standards  
  • We have a clear policy for provider access including the criteria governing such access such as the need for providers to adhere to safeguarding policies and the conditions where access from a provider may be refused.  
  • We hope that all providers having direct contact with our learners can supply a valid DBS number/date of DBS certification.  

College Information 

The links below provide information about further education colleges in the local area. Take some time to look at the courses available and entry requirements for each course. The college websites will give you information about open days and application forms deadlines.  

Accrington and Rossendale College 

Burnley College 

Cardinal Newman College 

Lancaster and Morecambe College 

Myerscough College 

Nelson and Colne College 

Preston's College 

Runshaw College   

West Lancashire College 


An apprenticeship is a real job where you learn, gain experience and get paid. You are an employee with the contract of employment and holiday leave. 

By the end of an apprenticeship, you will have the right skills and knowledge needed for your chosen career. 

It can take between one and six years to complete an apprenticeship, depending on which one you choose, what level it is, and your previous experience it is funded from contributions made by the government and your employer. 

To become an apprentice you must: 

  • Be 16 or over. 
  • Not already be in full-time education. 
  • Live in England. 

As an apprentice you'll: 

  • Learn and train for a specific job. 
  • Get paid and receive holiday leave. 
  • Get hands-on experience in a real job. 
  • Study for at least 20% of your working hours, usually at college, university, or with a training provider 
  • Complete assessment during and at the end of your apprenticeship. 
  • Be on a career path with lots of true potential. 

Some useful links:

The below resources have been tailored for parents, guardians and carers to help them support young people in making informed career choices.

2023 Packs
Parent And Carers Packs
Parent Pack January 2023
Parent Pack March 2023
Parent Pack April 2023
Parent Pack May 2023
Parent Pack June 2023
Parent Pack July 2023
Parent Pack September 2023
Parent Pack October 2023
Parent Pack November 2023
Parent Pack December 2023
2024 Packs
Parent And Carers Packs National Careers Week Packs
Parent Pack January 2024 NCW Pack January 2024
Parent Pack February 2024 NCW Pack February 2024
Parent Pack March 2024 NCW Pack March 2024
Parent Pack April 2024 NCW Pack April 2024
Parent Pack May 2024
Parent Pack June 2024
Parent Pack July 2024


For more advice, guidance or information about careers, please contact our CEAIG lead, Mrs Hughes: