Our Fulwood values of We Care, We Challenge, We Commit are designed to actively promote and complement the five fundamental British values identified by the Department for Education:
- Mutual respect for and the tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs or for those without faith,
- Individual Liberty,
- Democracy
- Rule of Law
These values are introduced, discussed, taught and lived through our evolving learning community. The teaching of the fundamental British values is central to all areas of the curriculum. Our Personal Development and RE lessons provide pupils with excellent opportunities to deepen and develop their understanding of our school values and the Fundamental British Values. At Fulwood academy, these values are reinforced regularly and in the following ways
What is Democracy?
- Making decisions together
- The right to have a voice
- The right to have an opinion
- Learning to communicate your voice and opinion in the right ways
How does Fulwood promote Democracy?
- Pupil Voice - Pupils are always able to voice their opinions and we foster an environment where they are safe to disagree with each other.
- Pupil Council, elected via a democratic process.
- Conversations about issues that directly affect the pupils. Fulwood values its pupil voice
- Pupil Leadership Roles – Pupils are taught how to effectively represent their classmates and to represent all views regardless of their own
- Democracy is also studied as part of Citizenship, PSHE, RE and History lessons.
- Studying English Literature -, where the importance of democracy and/or freedom of speech often is discussed as an explicit or underlying theme in texts studied by pupils.
- Kindness and Respect Charter written by our pupils.
What is Mutual Respect?
- Treating others as you wish to be treated.
- Respect for each other
- Working Together
How Does Fulwood Promote Mutual Respect?
- Respect underpins our Fulwood Values, and we define this as simply, “treating others as we wish to be treated.”
- We have a zero-tolerance approach to bullying
- Pupils have written our Kindness and Respect Charter – to build a culture where everyone feels safe and happy. Pupils are encouraged that in disagreements, we listen to – and respect the views of others
- We learn about the diverse nature of British society and the right for each person to be respected for their choices. Respect is a part of our behaviour policy
What is the Rule of Law?
- Understanding that any society or community can only work well, and protect all its members, if there are rules which everyone is expected to follow.
- Understanding why rules are in place
- Following rules to develop order.
How does Fulwood promote Rule of Law?
- The importance of Laws and the reasons for them are reinforced through our curriculum as well as when dealing with behaviour and through school assemblies, key messages and behaviour resets.
- Teachers explain their expectations and the consequences for not following the rules.
- Visits from authorities such as the Police and Fire Service are regular parts of our calendar and help reinforce this message.
- By coming to school our pupils agree to follow our Pupils Code of Conduct and Home School Agreement.
- Together we build a calm, safe and orderly school built on a Culture of Kindness and Respect
What is Individual Liberty?
Freedom of Speech for all
The right to make our own choices.
How Does Fulwood Promote Individual Liberty?
- We empower pupils to make informed choices by providing guidance on a range of key topics, such as online safety, bullying, child sexual exploitation, physical and emotional abuse, radicalisation and extremism. These issues are also explored in assemblies, interactive workshops and during PSHE lessons.
- We encourage all pupils to contribute towards the Pupil Kindness and Respect Charter.
- Through our student council, pupils are encouraged to make choices and express opinions, knowing that they are in an environment to enable them to do this.
- Pupils are encouraged to make independent choices, resist peer pressure, and take responsibility for their own actions.
- Pupils have lots of opportunities to make their own choices; from which extra-curricular activities they will attend, what they will choose for lunch and the options subjects they will study in Year 10 and 11.
What is Tolerance of Different Faiths?
- Learning about different Faiths and Cultures
- Listening to other viewpoints
- Learning about Diversity
How Fulwood Promotes Tolerance of Different Faith
- We aim to promote not only tolerance, but also a genuine understanding of different faiths and beliefs by offering a culturally rich and diverse curriculum in which all major religions of the world are studied and respected.
- We encourage all pupils to embrace the culturally diverse society in which they live, and by giving pupils opportunities to experience this diversity first-hand – through organising a range of interfaith activities.
- Our Religious Studies curriculum, which is compulsory for all pupils, provides a broad and balanced education on a range of faiths, religions and cultures.
- Our Themes and Thought of the week are designed to promote reflection of the world and different cultures.